Sunday, October 30, 2011

Fish on! and other good news

Sunday October 30, 2011
position: 15 degrees 17 minutes north, 154 degrees 40 minutes west

It seems that our luck has changed aboard ship. After a few unsuccessful fishing days, yesterday Tim got up and snuck out the fishing lure while i was down below for my morning nap (after my 3am to 6am watch). About 8am, just as I was hitting deep sleep, I heard the whining of the fishing line going out. I think, hmm, that must be tim putting out the fishing line. But wait, I think, I also hear Tim letting out the mainsail and reeling in the jib??? Oh my! That must be a real fish on the fishing line!!! I jump out of my bunk and hurtle out into the cockpit and grab the fishing rod and start trying to reel in the fish. I fight the fish for a while - it seems like an hour, my muscles are getting spazzy (it was probably 10 minutes or so?). Tim's not sure what kind of fish it could be - maybe tuna, but it's fighting harder than tuna usually do - this fish kept making a run for it every few minutes.

At one point the pole holder twists and i almost lose the pole -- I'm so tired Tim has to help me to get the rod out of the rod holder and into the fighting belt. Then i am too weak and shaky and Tim has to finish reeling him in... and we finally catch a glimpse of the HUGE mahi mahi that we've hooked. It is such a beautiful fish. Tim thinks it was a 30+ pounder. All I know is I could barely hold the thing up for the picture, that's how heavy it was. it was easily 4 feet long. So, we've been dining well for the past 24 hours! And should have some left to share with our friends when we arrive the big island!

And the other good news - I am back on my computer -- it did just need to dry out! Not sure yet if there is any damage, but was able to get on and everything seems in order, and i've backed up everything again. Phew.

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